Day to Day Adventure: Not a minute too late . . or soon

Monday, January 16, 2012

Not a minute too late . . or soon

Feeling weak & unable to move a muscle is a familiar feeling by the end of my days.  I am giving everything I have to just keep my house running, support my parents in their struggles, keep my sibling informed and love on my kids & husband. 

When I get out of bed, I don’t know exactly what my day is going to look like.  I pray that God guides me to the most important things & that I can ignore all the rest that is clamoring my name.

The lesson that has hit me over and over recently is that God gives me exactly what I need when I need it.

-A friend emailed me with encouragement while she is going through a horrible time of her own but she took the time to speak words of wisdom to me.

-My husbands co-worker unexpectedly provided us with a meal on a day I wasn’t free to make food.

-Great children who keep working on their school work even when I am in the midst of caring for my mom.

-Another friend texted me a scripture one day & the next I looked it up.  God used it to help me encourage my mom. 

While I might be impatient for things to change or get frustrated that I can’t in my own strength make things here all better, I feel so loved and cared for as God guides me and provides what I need.  There is so much to be grateful for in the midst of our struggles.


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